Tuesday, January 30, 2007

3 Audition Monday

Monday was another early-to-rise day…I had quite the audition agenda. It was also Adrienne’s first day at the new job! Hurrah! We weaved in and out of the bathroom like buzzing bees! I made it to Ripley-Grier at about 8:30…this was another ECC (Equity Chorus Call…remember?), this time for a production of Les Miz in Salt Lake City. It was CRAZY, just about as bad as the Beauty and the Beast call on Thursday. In fact, it was a bit of a re-run of Thursday. Lots of young non-equity girls sprawled all over the floor, adding the fourth layer of mascara until we were asked to vacate the room for the equity girls. So many girls were there that the announcement that we wouldn’t be heard was no surprise. But at least this time the producer allowed us to leave our headshots and resumes. I have this feeling they go straight to the paper shredder…but at least it feels like I didn’t totally waste a trip.
I next went to a non-equity call for a touring production of “Double V,” an original musical following a Jewish couple oppressed in Nazi-occupied Poland and an African-American couple oppressed in slavery. I was amazed and relieved to find I was only the 8th person to arrive after those ECC moments of claustrophobia. They asked us to sing a song with a “strong emotional core” and I honestly don’t have many songs so I chose “If I Loved You.” The other auditionees were friendly and we bonded over freezing in the hallway, wondering why and how they were spending so much time with each person. When my turn came up I sang my song in the bathtub of a room, trying to reign in the high notes for everyone’s safety! They then gave me direction to sing the song again but this time with the intention that my boyfriend was breaking up with me because I am Jewish. It was actually fun to play with the different intention and have something so specific to commit to…that is something I need to do with all my songs so I was thankful for this little acting class! Then the director asked me if I had a song that I could sing as though I was leading a march of protest against the Nazi occupation. Somehow “Simple Joys of Maidenhood” really worked out well for that and I was called back. Best part, they asked me to bring tap shoes! Mom cried laughing hearing about the oppressive musical with tap dancing…I swear I don’t make this stuff up for my comedy routine!
Armed with my first call-back I sauntered over to Chelsea Studios, about 10 blocks away, to check out the scene for the Gypsy non-equity national tour. I had heard it was a crazy mass and it was….over 300 people signed up. But the monitor was really nice and to my astonishment allowed me to turn in my materials and also, the chance to return at 4 pm.
I went home and cooked dinner and checked email at the library…efficient Monday, indeed!
When I went back to Gypsy, I ran into a few of the “Double V” auditionees. It’s so nice to see a familiar face when it feels the masses have been kindred spirits for years and years. I had a nice time hearing one girl’s story. Like me, she recently moved to NYC to give it all a go. She’s a little older than me, also classically trained and was full of advice, including help on how to learn how to mix/belt. We were limited to only 16 bars. I was one of the last to sing and I chose “What Good Would the Moon Be” because I heard the pianist was amazing. He was and I sang it well although I think I worried more about not sounding like an opera singer (totally not right for Gypsy) than on intention. I did get some “Wow, beautifuls” but no call-back. I wasn’t surprised since there aren’t any roles for me but I was glad that I took the time for the audition practice!
I came home to my vegetarian chili and filled with excitement to hear about Adrienne’s new job. We had lots of fun wondering how all those Miss America managed to choose the ugliest dresses and hairstyles we’ve seen this decade! Eeek!

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