Sunday, April 1, 2007

Lemon Bars and Direction Changes

Friday morning didn't offer any auditions to lure me out of the house. I continued my research on more modern songs for my "book" that, when push comes to shove, seems to only include dreamy ballads from before 1950. I had planned on doing two classes at Steps but got a call from Scott Six who was literally 9 blocks away at a Starbucks with time to kill before an audition. I ditched the first class for the chance to catch up with Scott, learning all about the perils of his world premiere opera and his general disgust for the people that rule the world of opera. Yes, yes, it's true. I walked across the park in time for Scott T.'s Int. Theatre Dance Class. Yes, this is the same Scott who choreagraphed my personal nightmare in the form of "America" for Maine State on Sunday. I was again a mess but had a huge revelation. My biggest struggle in picking up choreagraphy are all the directional changes and I realized that Scott is obsessed with changing direction all the time!!!! So, even though it was painful for me, I think I should keep going back, knowing it will get easier, while resting knowing that I'm not the worst dancer in the world. Just maybe the worst dancer in NYC.
I went back to Fairway for Lemon Bar ingredients. Eric's special request for his 30th birthday dessert was anything lemony and I told Adrienne about Mom's special Lemon Bars. mmmmmmm....
I met Adrienne at the movie theatre near her office where we saw the new Will Ferrell flick, "Blades of Glory." So funny. She then took me by Bloomingdales to meet her Prescriptives guru, Stanford Smith, who did my makeup for me. Adrienne is a makeup expert herself and had talked up Stanford as the best makeup artist she'd ever worked with so I was pretty excited. He was not disappointing and gave me some great ideas for that audition look that I'm still trying to create. He was also hilarious and offered a lot of entertainment with his constant commentary on the lady that comes in and over applies bronzer every Friday to the shoplifters escorted right next to us. With smoky eyes and pale lips, we took bus home and she made dinner while I made Lemon Bars.


Lisa said...

"while resting knowing that I'm not the worst dancer in the world. Just maybe the worst dancer in NYC.

hahahahahahahahahha. Too bad I am not there to take the crown from you.

I want pics of the makeup look. Did you buy alot of stuff?

inkblots said...

Seeing you dance always makes me happy. I especially enjoy your sudden random bouts of tapping.

Kudos to Adrienne for picking out copper eye shadow. It brings out your sunny radiance!