Wednesday, March 18, 2009

6:30, 7:30 and 2:45

My cell phone is possessed. While in a long-distance relationship, I might have exercised the cell phone so much that it had no choice but to fight back. After months of bullying, I'm close to tossing it to cell phone heaven. For the past month or so, it has stubbornly refused to let me reset its' alarms. So if I have my cell phone turned on, it will, without fail, buzz or beep at 6:30am, 7:30am, and 2:45pm every day. I use my cell phone as my alarm clock. I know what you're all's so obvious: Why don't you turn your cell phone off and buy a $4.99 Duane Reade special alarm clock? Well, everyone, that would make perfect sense, but I'd rather have a small, unreliable, ornery and once shiny, now sadly dulled rectangle rule my mornings and mid-afternoons.

The amazing thing in this all? It's been putting me on a schedule! I wake up earlier, got to the gym or practice, have a QT, make breakfast and if I'm feeling particularly luxurious, a cup of tea! So this annoyance is really creating the discipline I need. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways. And every night when I'm tempted to stay up till 12 or 1 scanning facebook statuses or, I'm inspired instead to go to bed because I know what will be buzzing at 6:30. That reliable little friend of mine that I can't wait to replace!

Off to bed's past 10:30. :)

Oh but wait...I have to share! I'm reading a wonderful Beth Moore called "Get out of that Pit". It truly is helping me to do just that. I thank God for the way He has brought Beth into my life once again to teach me and excite me about His word.
Also, I've signed up for the memory verse challenge on her blog:

The first verse that I posted is from our FG's most recent passage, Galatians 5:1

"It is for freedom that Christ has set you free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

This past Sunday's sermon was on Romans 4 entitled "Through the Blood of Jesus Christ" We need redemption because we are slaves to guilt and shame and also our slave masters/idol factories.
What are my slave masters? Approval, career, family(husband/kids), ideal weight, so many more, I'm sure!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Kristen! I love these blogs, I love the way the phone got you to wake up with the sun (or maybe just after). I was sleeping badly the last 6 months but after awhile I told myself that I'll be slightly more prepared in case I ever have a child :)
